ScaleUp Namibia

ScaleUp Namibia is a dynamic network of Namibian hubs committed to fostering an entrepreneurial, innovative, and technologically driven ecosystem. This initiative brings together key players across various sectors to create a thriving startup environment in Namibia.

The Scaleup Namibia initiative is implemented by the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB), in collaboration with and supported by various stakeholders, including:

  • Academia
  • Entrepreneurs and Innovators
  • Entrepreneurial Support Organizations
  • Financiers & Investors
  • Private Sector
  • Policymakers & Regulators
  • Public Sector 

By connecting startups with ecosystem enablers, ScaleUp Namibia aims to propel innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurial  growth across Namibia.

ScaleUp Namibia Structure

To ensure the effective coordination and success of the initiative, ScaleUp Namibia has established a multi-tiered governance structure overseen, coordinated and facilitated by the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB):

  • ScaleUp Namibia Champions
    High-level representatives from key ministries and the private sector provide strategic guidance and advocacy for initiatives across the Namibian startup ecosystem.
  • ScaleUp Namibia Implementation Committee
    Composed of elected representatives from member hubs and permanent members from the NIPDB and the National Commission for Research Science and Technology (NCRST), this committee oversees the implementation of SUN’s strategic goals.
  • ScaleUp Namibia Strategic Council Pool
    The ScaleUp Namibia Strategic Council Pool consists of industry leaders, government representatives, and private sector executives from around the world, providing long-term guidance and fostering cross-sector collaboration.
  • ScaleUp Namibia Hub Members
    The hub members consist of entrepreneurial  and innovation support organisations, makerspace, incubators and accelerators that provide essential support services to startups within the Namibian ecosystem.
University of Namibia (Innovation and Development Accelerator)
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